7 things about how to make a better blog

I was thinking "how could I make this a better blog?". When searching about blogs (japanese or not) I noticed some differences between them and mine. I'm thinking also how useful would be this post for you all. There are tips for you and your blog, I know almost all of you have a blog. Please feel free of completing this list.

shouldn't mix things

Writing. I've been commiting many grammatical mistakes. I'll review posts before publishing them. Please, if you notice some English mistake, tell me.
Images & Pics. I fail with uploading images related with subject of text. Sometimes I forget taking pics, or just don't upload it. Not only about pics, but big, great pics, and some decorations too. I'll create a new default layout for posts. Maybe I should change whole layout too. I want "writing place" bigger.
Subjects. I don't think a lot about what to talk, I start and keep writing 'til no subject. I mix things, so no cool reading. Posts should be divided by kind of subject (facts, fashion, jewelry, make up, decoration, hand made things, music...etc). Before posting should search about subject, find some pics, info and sources.
About me. Somethings about me may just don't interest anybody. I started that kind of style about some months ago, so my bedroom isn't all that style, my acessories, my clothes and my things too and I may still change a little. I'm in a moment to change everything I have. But at moment everything is still too simple. Too simple or repeated things shoudn't be shown here. Only cute and girly things.
Frequency. Frequency about interesting posts is really important for a good blog. Actually I can't be that frequent about blog. I work 8 hours per day, wanna finish fashion drawing course immediatally, put documents in order, start and search new courses, I have a boyfriend and still have to be healthy. After all this, have to study for joining university. Can't do everything, so blog should be in low priority.
Facts. Everybody can google things and find a lot of info. Very important thing is that everybody can search things, so I can't only post internet things or references, but is important readers knowing I am adding that things into my life. I'll try to never just come with "copied" things and give generalized opnions, but making it real.
Scenario. Being cute and girly can't be only at ONE thing. It should be at everything, everything should be real. So shoudn't just post a pic with my new cute girly dress and at my back my messy and too normal bedroom (even if I'm really messy!).

Thank you for reading this. Hope you all have something to tell me. Please, comment and I may edit this post if there's things to add in list.