talk talk talk ♥

Hello dear cute girls♥
Thank you so much girls for helping me choosing my first lenses. How you recommended, I'll probably buy lenses from Barbie brand, thats is comfortable, and from, that is cheaper and faster. I still don't know about diameter, though you told me to buy first a 14mm lenses. I don't know anything about barbie 14mm lenses but I know much girls liked 14.5mm lenses, Barbie King. My boyfriend will help me to choose this weekend~

I'm so happy 'cause my friend Jessyca and I will go to shopping mall! i have to buy some items for me and i'm anxious for we to have a great girl talk♥ we'll probably make new deco for our mobiles, will be so cute decooo~ i feel so complete being happy, 'cause these days i've been so sad...maybe we will watch Alice in Wonderland together too!

Jessyca♥ we'll take pics together when we meet. she's Johnny Deep fan~

Last weekend was my brother's girlfriend university graduation party♪. i do love when there's family parties 'cause we all can get together and have much fun! my brother and his wife who live at south come to my city and stay at my home and they bring their little dog called Fiona♥ i love dogs and i love her so much, she is so cute dog♥ Did you know I take care of three dogs?! They don't live at my home, 'cause I don't have space and my mother don't want it, but I love three so much~ The black and smaller dog is the mother, and daughters really bigger. strange ne?

well, i have three brothers and they all have a girl, i'm so lucky 'cause they are so gentle and cute girls and i love them♥... so, pics from graduation! i was with same dress from new year but put a brooch and this time ribbon only at back, coordinated with my deary shoes. this shoes really got me scared - my feet didnt hurt and didnt had any pain! this is so good for a beautiful pair! i'm thinking about getting one very similar from yumetenbo, but only next month! i have to stop buying hahaha~ look isnt great as i'd like, but i didnt want to put a longer dress, it was hot day! i did my hair but forgot taking pic of back.

love my deary shoes!

me and my bf

make up - just the same as older post, but put some white and pink shadow

do you wanna drink some water?!hahaha

simple nails 'cause actually they are much fragile

oh i took pic from some drawnings i did~ I've already drown 3 men and I'm actually drawing little kids~

Received recently:

White color + pink fluffy and cute angora beret! When gets colder I wanna wear it everyday!
Black B color.
This is beautiful boots! Though high heel my feet doesn't hurt wearing this. I took off the ribbon 'cause it don't let me walk and this isn't as beautiful as it looks. I'll post a pic wearing this when i can.
I loved so much this bag! It's big - you can put a book into it - it's useful! and so beautiful! much cute details..oh yes, this is 2 bags! and the best is that i bought it for 1940 yen.
Lavander x pink.
Its really warm roomwear, but much dust sticks on it, and color isn't strong as it looks in image.

Now waiting:
and still will get about 10 yumetenbo items xD I wanna get some Melissa shoes too, Moery shop hair extensions, Curvy's goodies, Aimerfeel or Rady lingerie and Creamy's jewelry.. I JUST CAN'T STOP PURCHASING! (#>.<#) work and waste everything same month xD

Love this 久保七瀬 make-up. Wanna get some eyelashes and do it just like her. I have to buy some and try, 'cause I just can't put it right, but I have to learn! This is sooo beautiful that I wanna cry _(T________T)_

please girls, keep on reading i'll show you pics from my purchases and still have much things to say (^.^♥) take care of yourself, right?

forgot posting that i was tagged by Kanako-san!

1. when i was a child i was so good and ashamed girl, i almost didnt talk and didnt do anything wrong. when i was 8 my only friend moved but i meet another friend who i still meet and talk♥
2. i take care of three dogs when i go to countryside, and i love them so much that i treat them like my children.
3. i've found i like fashion when started liking melissa shoes. i had never saw something so beautiful before~
4. i like animes since i was 4 years old. i used to watch Sailor Moon at TV and looove their clothes since them.
5. i met my boyfriend at english classes and at first i dont know why i thought he was gay hahahaha! but now he is MY and only MY gay♥
6. i used to have rock style and only wear black and chains
7. my boyfriend gone to japan when he was my boyfriend about 2 years and spent almost 1 year there, when he came back we got up together again~ so, if sum all time of date, he is my boyfriend for 4 years
8. i'm web developer and i program softwares. i did programmer technique course for 3 years and nothing of this has something 'bout fashion. but i totally changed my mind last year and i wanna start fashion university and abandon this bad NERD LIFE.
9. i dream that i am at shibuya 109 many times. i know that i can't trip to Japan 'cause i have to study much, at least next 5 years, and i'm so depressed with this, 'cause i wanna go nooooooooow (T^T)
10. i'm so awkward and messy. where i pass i make everything fall and i hurt people without wanting thiis... i didn't want to be like this, i already trying to being better but i just can't!

cute girls that im tagging~~
Joey Anna

Mademoiselle Creamy deleted her cute blog (>___<) why did you do thaat?! T.T