folders + M.A.C make up + weekend

hello cute girls♥

First, i want to tell you girls how i am glad about your visits and comments. thank you so much, so much, おはようございます, i'm totally happy now. please keep on visiting my blog and i'll try to do my best for you♥

Actually, i'm busy with my fashion drawing course. unfortunately i'm not drawing much, but searching fashion info, images and material and creating two folders for archiving it. i decorated a old folder i had for portfolio and another for material like contexture and trims♥ i want it to be visually rich, i want something new, maybe it would overwork that's why i've been busy so sorry for late post /(#≥•≤#)\

this is contexture and trims folder. i still have to put everything together

this is cover of portfolio folder. maybe looks a little dirty where put much glitter

this is back of portfolio folder. maybe too much... is it ok?

inside portfolio folder... is it missing something?

This weekend was totally good~ my boyfriend and i, we are dating for one year! so we had dinner at The Fifties, it was totally funny♪ when walking after dinner i've found a ♥M.A.C♥ store. i bought two eyeliner, a black and a white, though it was much expensive, about $40 each one. i like 久保七瀬 make up, so i use white eyeliner like her! ^.^ i have some pics to show you♪

eyeliner: black and white from M.A.C
face powder and cheek: japanese make up case, no brand
mascara: avon

Saturday, me and my boyfriend went to a japanese market and bought some sweets (i told you i can't get away from sweets!). Pocky, Pocky Crush, Macadamia, Lotte Koala, Kasugai Milk candies...but i promised myself not eating much but eat a little per day and sharing with my boyfriend, family and friends, so it's even more tasty! sorry i forgot taking pics, now most of sweets is already gone haha /(^.^º)\ but i've found some pics and i'll show them!♥♥♥

i liked much pocky crush, it's even better than standard pocky. macadamia is the best chocolate♥~

Sunday, my friend, Jessyca, went my home. thats so good 'cause long time no see her. i showed her some pics, my pet (maybe i had never talked about him - he is a cute turtle ♥_♥), we cooked chocolate sweet (sorry, more sweets!!!!!!!!/(≥∩≤)\) and played wii, wii sports resort. that was funny, i want her to come back soon, though my mother won us at bowling hahahaha (^⌂^)º thats a pity i forgot taking a pic again! next time won't forget!!

Oh, my boyfriend purchased a coat for giving me as one year's gift, from yumetenbo ♥♥♥ that is so cute coat i wanted much!
\(♥⌂♥)/ i'm thinking about buying some coats, i may use it a lot. now it's summer here and 15ºC /(x∩x)\ that's not good. i have to buy some boots too, 'cause is raining everytime and i get weat everyday! so i'll show you items when arrive♥ oh, yeah! my boyfriend did a very good job at test for joining university and joined it for free.. congratulations my love ^_^♫♪ hope you can give your best at new school!^^ thank so much you for everything!! i'll try to help you when you need♥

me and my boyfriend. we have to take new pics

sorry no hime look now, i'll post new look next post!^^

thank you girls so much, so much for reading this~♥ (≥º≤)
すみません for talking much! ♪おはようございます♫