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China launches module for space station

 China launched an experimental module to lay the groundwork for a future space station on Thursday, underscoring its ambitions to become a major space power over the coming decade.
The box car-sized Tiangong-1 module was shot into space from the Jiuquan launch center on the edge of the Gobi Desert aboard a Long March 2FT1 rocket.
It is to move into an orbit 217 miles (350 kilometers) above the Earth and conduct surveys of Chinese farmland using special cameras, along with experiments involving growing crystals in zero gravity.
China then plans to launch an unmanned Shenzhou 8 spacecraft to practice remote-controlled docking maneuvers with the module, possibly within the next few weeks. Two more missions, at least one of them manned, are to meet up with it next year for further practice, with astronauts staying for up to one month.
The 8.5-ton module, whose name translates as "Heavenly Palace-1," is to stay aloft for two years, after which two other experimental modules are to be launched for additional tests before the actual station is launched in three sections between 2020 and 2022.
"This is a significant test. We've never done such a thing before," Lu Jinrong, the launch center's chief engineer, was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua News Agency.
The space station, which is yet to be formally named, is the most ambitious project in China's exploration of space, which also calls for landing on the moon, possibly with astronauts.
In terms of technology, the launch of the Tiangong-1 places China about where the U.S. was in the 1960s during the Gemini program. While it is planning fewer launches than the U.S. carried out, the Chinese program progresses farther than the U.S. did with each launch it undertakes, said Joan Johnson-Freese, a space expert at the U.S. Naval War College in Rhode Island.
"China has the advantage, 40-plus years later, of not having to start at the bottom of the learning curve on its human spaceflight program," Johnson-Freese said.
China's authoritarian, centralized political system also offers the advantage of freedom from political wrangles over funding and clearly defines the program's long-term goals within Soviet-style five-year plans.
China launched its first manned flight in 2003, joining Russia and the United States as the only countries to launch humans into orbit and generating huge amounts of national pride for the Communist government.
However, habitual secrecy and the space program's close links with the military have inhibited cooperation with other nations' space programs — including the International Space Station.
At about 60 tons when completed, the Chinese station will be considerably smaller than the 16-nation ISS, which is expected to continue operating through 2028.
China applied repeatedly to join the ISS, but was rebuffed largely on objections from the U.S., prompting it to adopt a go-it-alone strategy.
While the program has proceeded with no apparent major problems, the launch of the Tiangong-1 module was delayed for one year for technical reasons, and then rescheduled again after a Long March 2C rocket similar to the Long March 2F failed to reach orbit in August. The incident with the rocket was investigated and problems were reportedly resolved.
Although experts see no explicit military function for the Chinese space station, the country's other space-based military programs, including the destruction of a defunct Chinese satellite with a rocket in 2007, have caused alarm overseas.
"It is a nation doing its own thing saying, 'OK, we can do what you did for our own country separate from cooperation, on Chinese terms,'" said Charles Vick, an expert on the Chinese space program with, which tracks military and security news.
Numerous challenges lie ahead, including the attempt to dock remotely — U.S. astronauts handled the maneuver from aboard their spacecraft. The Long March 5 rocket that is being prepared to launch the 20-ton modules for the actual space station also remains untested.
Still, Beijing is expected to press ahead whatever the difficulties as long as it continues to result in international prestige, domestic credibility, technological advancement, and economic spin-offs, Johnson-Freese and Vick said.

If you're worried about a killer asteroid wiping out Earth, NASA has some good news

The space agency said Thursday it has identified more than 90 percent of giant, potentially Earth-threatening asteroids, including ones as big as the one thought to have killed the dinosaurs eons ago.
"We know now where most of them are and where most of them are going. That really has reduced our risk" of an impact, said Amy Mainzer of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
NASA researchers also downgraded their estimate of the number of medium-sized asteroids, saying there are 44 percent fewer than previously believed. The downside is that scientists have yet to find many of these mid-sized asteroids, which could destroy a metropolitan city.
"Fewer does not mean none," Mainzer said. "There are still tens of thousands out there that are left to find."
The updated census comes from data from NASA's sky-mapping spacecraft named Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, which launched in 2009 to seek out near-Earth objects, galaxies, stars and other cosmic targets.
Unlike previous sky surveys, WISE has sensitive instruments that can pick out both dark and light objects, allowing it to get the most accurate count yet of near-Earth asteroids. The spacecraft takes a small sample of asteroids of varying sizes and then estimates how large the population would be.
For the largest asteroids — bigger than 3,300 feet across — NASA said 911 of the 981 thought to exist have been found. None poses a threat to Earth in the near future, the space agency said.
Previous estimates put the number of medium-sized asteroids at 35,000, but WISE data indicate there are about 19,500 between 300 and 3,300 feet wide. Only about 5,200 have been found and scientists said there is still a lot of work left to identify the potentially hazardous ones.
Results were published in the Astrophysical Journal.
WISE is not equipped to detect the more than a million smallest asteroids that could cause damage if they impact Earth. The spacecraft recently ran out of coolant and is currently in hibernation.

Apple to unveil iPhone 5 on October 4

Apple plans to unveil its next generation iPhone next month, technology blog AllThingsD said Wednesday.
AllThingsD cautioned that Apple could "change its plans anytime," but said the present plan calls for Apple's new chief executive Tim Cook to preside over the launch of the iPhone 5 on October 4.
Cook, 50, replaced Apple's ailing co-founder Steve Jobs as chief executive of the Cupertino, California-based gadget-maker last month.
Citing "sources close to the situation," the Dow Jones-owned AllThingsD said the iPhone 5 would go on sale within a few weeks after the announcement.
Jobs, 56, the Silicon Valley visionary behind the Macintosh computer, the iPod, iPhone and iPad, stepped down as Apple's CEO on August 24.
Jobs has presided over Apple's splashy product launches in the past and AllThingsD said "the pressure will be on Cook to turn in a good performance."
"What will be interesting to see, of course, is if Jobs himself will also make an appearance, which is something that is likely to be determined by his health, in a decision that will be made very close to the event," it said.
Jobs underwent an operation for pancreatic cancer in 2004 and a liver transplant in 2009.
Apple released the iPhone 4 in June 2010 and sold 20.34 million of the devices last quarter.
Apple shares have been trading at record highs this week and the stock was up 1.37 percent at $419.13 on Wall Street on Wednesday.

Libya's new rulers on Thursday stepped up the hunt for Moamer Kadhafi's inner circle

They also said another Kadhafi son, Mutassim, was in the deposed despot's birthplace of Sirte, where old regime loyalists fought pitched battles with combatants loyal to the ruling National Transitional Council.
"Misrata fighters contacted us and gave us the information thatMussa Ibrahim has been captured," said Mustafa bin Dardef, of the National Transitional Council's Zintan Brigade.
Another commander, Mohammed al-Marimi, said: "Mussa Ibrahim was captured while driving outside Sirte by fighters from Misrata."
He said there were reports that Ibrahim was dressed as a woman, but could not immediately confirm that.
Libya's Al-Hurra Misrata television also said Ibrahim had been caught outside Sirte and that he had been in a car and veiled, adding that it would soon broadcast footage of his capture.
Ibrahim had been the public voice of the Kadhafi regime until NTC fighters overran Tripoli on August 23.
Despite fleeing the capital along with the deposed despot, he has continued to issue statements through Syrian-based Arrai television from an unknown location, although not as frequently.
On Friday, Ibrahim had appealed for resolve against "agents and traitors," denounced what he called "genocide" by NATO and its "Libyan agents," and criticised the world community for "inaction."
Global police agency Interpol said, meanwhile, the NTC had requested an arrest notice against Saadi, who is believed to be in Niger.
The Libyan authorities, it said in a statement, wanted him "for allegedly misappropriating properties through force and armed intimidation when he headed the Libyan Football Federation."
Saadi, 38, was last seen in Niger and the red notice calls particularly on countries in the region to help locate and arrest him "with a view to returning him to Libya where an arrest warrant for him has been issued," Interpol said.
However, Niger's Prime Minister Brigi Rafini said later Thursday that his country has no plans to send Saadi home to face justice.
"Saadi Kadhafi is in safety, in security in Niamey, in the hands of the Niger government. There's no question of him being extradited to Libya for the moment," Rafini told AFP in France.
"We need to be sure he will be allowed a fair defence," he said. "Are those conditions in place today? No."
While the fugitive Kadhafi's whereabouts remain unknown, Libya's defence ministry spokesman Ahmed Bani said in Tripoli that his most prominent son, Seif al-Islam, was in Bani Walid and also said that Mutassim was in Sirte.
An NTC field commander in Sirte also told AFP that Mutassim was in the Mediterranean city, which lies some 360 kilometres (225 miles) east of Tripoli.
"Mutassim is inside and he is commanding his forces. They are using heavy guns as well as snipers which is making it difficult for us."
Along with his father and former intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, Seif is wanted by the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity.
On the battlefront in Sirte, meanwhile, anti-Kadhafi fighters returned to the fray after being forced to retreat during ferocious fighting on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean city that had raged through the night.
An AFP correspondent said the two sides shelled each other and trading heavy machine gun fire around the port as well as near the Mahari Hotel.
The firefight intensified, with NTC tanks firing barrage after barrage of shells towards loyalist positions and pro-Kadhafi snipers firing on the NTC fighters from rooftops, the reporter said.
NTC military chiefs said their forces remained in control of the hotel and the port, which they overran on Tuesday, but that the situation was fluid.
"The battle is fierce," said an NTC field commander who asked not to be identified.
"It is not going to be easy to capture Sirte. We thought we would be inside Sirte this Friday, but now I think it will not happen," he told AFP.
In a separate incident, three NTC fighters were killed by "friendly fire" on Wednesday when they were shelled by a tank on the frontline in eastern Sirte, the commander said.
"There was some lack of coordination and... our fighters were hit by a shell fired by our tank stationed behind them. There were three martyrs," he said.
Further casualties were suffered, according to medics at a field hospital about 50 kilometres west of Sirte, when a rocket in a munitions dump fired accidentally and hit a room filled with fighters, killing two and wounding 18.
"The Misrata Military Council and our representatives will meet later today to discuss the next strategy for capturing Sirte," the NTC commander bin Dardef told AFP.
Equally fierce resistance from loyalists in the desert town of Bani Walid, Kadhafi's other remaining bastion of support, has stalled a final assault by NTC fighters, said commanders, who urged NATO to increase its air support.
An AFP correspondent said that despite using tanks, rocket launchers and artillery, the NTC forces had not advanced from positions held for the past few days in Bani Walid, 170 kilometres southeast of Tripoli.

A fierce gunbattle between militants and security forces in Indian Kashmir

The army said a group of about seven militants had been fighting with Indian troops in forests of the northern district of Kupwara, and that just two militants appeared to be still holding out after the others had been shot dead.
"Five militants, two policemen and two soldiers have been killed," Indian army officer Syed Ata Hasnain told reporters in Srinagar, the main city of Indian Kashmir.
"They are from the Lashkar-e-Taiba group," Hasnain said, referring to the Pakistan-based militant group active in Kashmir and blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks that left more than 160 people dead.
Kupwara district borders Pakistan-administered Kashmir, and Hasnain said the militants had recently crossed into the Indian sector.
Pakistan denies Indian allegations that it arms militants and sends them over the de facto border known as the Line of Control.
There are nearly a dozen Kashmir militant groups fighting for the divided Muslim-majority region to become part of Pakistan.
More than 47,000 people have been killed since the outbreak of the separatist insurgency in Kashmir in 1989.

Pakistan never backed Haqqani network-spy chief

Pakistan's intelligence chief on Thursday denied U.S. accusations that the country supports an Afghan militant group blamed for an attack on the American embassy in Kabul.
"There are other intelligence networks supporting groups who operate inside Afghanistan. We have never paid a penny or provided even a single bullet to the Haqqani network," Lieutenant-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha told Reuters after meeting political leaders over heavily strained U.S.-Pakistani ties.
Pasha, one of the most powerful men in the South Asian nation, told the all-party gathering that U.S. military action against insurgents in Pakistan would be unacceptable and the army would be capable of responding, local media said.
But he later said the reports were "baseless."
Pakistan has long faced U.S. demands to attack militants on its side of the border with Afghanistan. But the pressure has escalated since the top U.S. military officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, accused Pasha's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) directorate of the September 13 attack on the U.S. mission in Kabul.
Mullen, speaking in an interview aired on Thursday, said the ISI was giving the Haqqani group, whose attacks threaten to become a major obstacle to U.S. hopes of withdrawing smoothly from Afghanistan, financial and logistical support and "sort of free passage in the (border) safe haven.
"They can't turn it off overnight. I'm not asserting that the Pak mil or the ISI has complete control over the Haqqanis. But the Haqqanis run that safe haven. They're also a home to al Qaeda in that safe haven," he told National Public Radio.
Mullen, who steps down this week, said he stood by the tone and content of his comments, from which some U.S. officials have appeared to distance themselves.
"I phrased it the way I wanted it to be phrased," he said.
Support is growing in the U.S. Congress for expanding U.S. military action in Pakistan beyond drone strikes against militants, said Senator Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican voice on foreign policy and military affairs. [nS1E78R20R]
Islamabad is reluctant to go after the Haqqanis -- even though the United States provides billions of dollars in aid -- saying its troops are stretched fighting Taliban insurgents.
Pakistan says it has sacrificed more lives than any of the countries that joined the "war on terror" after the September 11 attacks by Islamist militants on the United States in 2001.
Pakistan's military faced withering public criticism after a surprise U.S. raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in a garrison town not far from Islamabad in May.
A similar U.S. operation against militants in North Waziristan on the Afghan border, where American officials say the Haqqanis are based, would be another humiliation for the powerful army.
Graham said in an interview with Reuters that U.S. lawmakers might support military options beyond drone strikes that have been going on for years inside Pakistani territory, including using U.S. bomber planes within Pakistan. He added that he did not advocate sending U.S. ground troops into the country.
"I would say when it comes to defending American troops, you don't want to limit yourself," Graham said.
Graham said U.S. lawmakers would think about stepping up the military pressure. "If people believe it's gotten to the point that is the only way really to protect our interests, I think there would be a lot of support," he said.
The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday announced new sanctions on five individuals it said were linked to "the most dangerous terrorist organizations operating in Afghanistan and Pakistan," including the Haqqani network.
Pakistan was designated a major non-NATO ally by the United States for its support of coalition military operations in Afghanistan after 9/11.
But their relationship has been dogged by mistrust. Although regarded as critical to U.S. efforts to stabilize Afghanistan, Pakistan is often seen from Washington as an unreliable partner.
Following U.S. accusations that some in the Pakistani government have aided anti-U.S. militants, Congress is reevaluating its 2009 promise to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to a total of $7.5 billion over five years.
That aid came on top of billions in security assistance provided since 2001, which Washington is also rethinking.
Any unilateral U.S. military action to go after the Haqqanis would deepen anti-American sentiment in Pakistan, already running high over U.S. drone strikes and other issues, reducing the space for the government and army to collaborate with Washington.
The al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network has sworn allegiance to the Taliban, but has long been suspected of also having ties to the ISI.
It fights U.S. and NATO forces in eastern Afghanistan. The group's leader says it is no longer based in North Waziristan and feels secure operating in Afghanistan after making battlefield gains.

Proactiv Solution Oil Blotter Sheets

I had the pleasure to work with Guthy-Renker & test out Proactiv Solution Oil Blotter Sheets. If you’ve read my post before I have really oily skin & can’t seem to control it. Anyways, the oil blotter sheets are really convenient. There made of 100% natural fiber paper. No artificial ingredients. I have used Proactiv in the past & had great results with the 3 step system. I mean you would think that as we get older I wouldn’t have the same skin problems I had in high school. Anyways, this is how it works.


The oil blotter sheets come in two separate ready to go compartments. Fit right in your
purse, office space or for a quick touch up. 130 sheets total. 

1. Instantly absorbs excess oil
2. Controls shine without a powdery finish
3. Won’t clog pores
4. Leaves skin fresh and clean looking

Easy to use: Gently blot oily areas of your face. Repeat as needed & do not rub.
Retail value: $11.00 (If your a club member is $8.95) big difference. 

Okay, I used the oil blotter sheets on my forehead & nose, this is the oil
or what I like to call it grease of my skin! (Gross) But as you can see it does the trick.
I’m really impressed with the blotter sheets, its a keeper. Can’t believe how oily my skin is, I guess 
when I’m older I’ll rip the benefits. I highly recommend, this product. It didn’t irritate my skin or remove my makeup. It really just soaked up all the oil & this is the results. 

To purchased the oil blotter sheets you can visit Proactiv also check out an arrangement of products. Also find Proactiv on Facebook & Twitter

Disclosure: PR Samples.

Congratulations! Winner Announcement!

Time to announce the winner of the SkinAgain Radiance Collection! A special thank you to our sponsor SkinAgain for providing the prize. It’s been a pleasure. Also if you didn’t win this time, no worries more giveaways coming soon. The winner is preciouspearl! Congrats Girl! I will email you shortly on how to claim your prize. You have 48 hours to claim your prize, if I don’t hear from you a new winner will be drawn. Thanks to everyone who entered & welcome to the new followers! Enjoy preciouspearl! 

Essie Nail Polish in Limited Addiction

If you don’t know about Essie Nail Polishes then your missing out. Essie started in 1981 & evolved into what Essie is today, fabulous, beautiful polishes for your manicure or pedicure. Essie also teamed up with Tom’s shoes to support “One Day Without Shoes”  and donated 5,000 bottles of polish “One Day Without Blues”  to the first participants to sign up & support. That is amazing, great cause. 

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Two coast & top coat. Indoors.

Two coats, top coat. Outdoors.

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Disclosure: I didn’t receive any type of compensation for this post. This are my own true & honest words. I received Essie nail polish as a gift from a friend.

Essence Cosmetics Color & Go Nail Polish

 I found this cute super fun line of cosmetics “Whoom! Boooomm!!” essence cosmetics  are bright fun colors for all ages. The polishes dry quick. Essence offers an assortment of cosmetics & right now a new fall line collection. I have never heard of them until now. Glad I did! If your like me, I like to play with colors. Bright, beautiful colors, never dull or boring! According to their site, this is from their March, April Collection 2011 but if you like to play with colors, I don’t think it matters what season it is to Rock out with essence!

Essence Nail Polish

“Andy You’Re A Star” 

Two coats, no top coat. Pretty, bright color! This is one was my fav.
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Not bad for two coats of polish.

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Two coats, & sorry ladies I run out of fingers! I hope that you
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Disclosure: I received the products as part of Essence Cosmetics Twitter Giveaway. I wasn’t compensated in anyway. This are my own true & honest words. 

Old NASA satellite Crashed

While North America appears to be off the hook, scientists are scrambling to pinpoint exactly where and when a dead NASA climate satellite will plummet back to Earth on Friday.
The 6-ton, bus-sized satellite is expected to break into more than a hundred pieces as it plunges through the atmosphere, most of it burning up.
But if you're hoping for a glimpse, the odds are slim. Most sightings occur by chance because the re-entry path can't be predicted early enough to alert people, said Canadian Ted Molczan, who tracks satellites for a hobby.
In all his years of monitoring, Molczan has witnessed only one tumble back to Earth — the 2004 return of a Russian communications satellite.
It "looked like a brilliant star with a long glowing tail," he said in an email.
The best guess so far is that the 20-year-old Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite will hit sometime Friday afternoon or early evening, Eastern time. The latest calculations indicate it will not be over the United States, Canada and Mexico during that time.
Until Thursday, every continent but Antarctic was a potential target. Predicting where and when the freefalling satellite will land is an imprecise science, but officials should be able to narrow it down a few hours ahead.
While most of the satellite pieces will disintegrate, 26 large metal chunks — the largest about 300 pounds — are expected to survive, hit and scatter somewhere on the planet. With nearly three-quarters of the world covered in water, chances are that it will be a splashdown.
If the re-entry is visible, "it'll look like a long-lived meteor," said Jonathan McDowell of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.
Since the dawn of the Space Age, no one has been injured by falling space debris. The only confirmed case of a person being hit by space junk was in 1997 when Lottie Williams of Tulsa, Okla., was grazed in the shoulder by a small bit of debris from a discarded piece of a Delta rocket.
The odds of someone somewhere on Earth getting struck by the NASA satellite are 1 in 3,200. But any one person's odds are astronomically lower — 1 in 21 trillion.
"You're way more likely to be hit by lightning" than by the satellite, McDowell said.
NASA has warned people not to touch any satellite part they might chance upon. There are no hazardous chemicals on board, but people can get hurt by sharp edges, the space agency said.
The U.S. tracks the roughly 22,000 pieces of satellites, rockets and other junk orbiting the Earth. Nowadays, the world is more eco-conscious about what it puts up in space. Modern satellites must be designed to disintegrate upon re-entry or have enough fuel to be nudged into a higher orbit or steered into the ocean.
The satellite was launched in 1991 aboard the space shuttle Discovery to study the ozone layer, and back then there was no such rule. NASA used up the remaining fuel to put it into a lower orbit in 2005, setting the stage for its uncontrolled return. It will be the biggest NASA spacecraft to fall uncontrolled from the sky in 32 years.
It's not unusual for space debris to dive back to Earth. NASA's Orbital Debris Program Office estimates that medium-sized junk falls back once a week. Debris the size of the satellite due back Friday occurs less frequently, about once a year.
Harvard's McDowell noted that two massive Russian rocket stages have plunged back this year with little notice.

Pakistan warned the United States

Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar was responding to comments by U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, who said Pakistan's top spy agency was closely tied to the Haqqani network, the most violent and effective faction among Islamic Taliban militants in Afghanistan.
It is the most serious allegation leveled by the United States against nuclear-armed and Muslim-majority Pakistan since they began an alliance in the "war on terror" a decade ago.
"You will lose an ally," Khar told Geo TV in New York in remarks broadcast on Friday.
"You cannot afford to alienate Pakistan, you cannot afford to alienate the Pakistani people. If you are choosing to do so and if they are choosing to do so it will be at their (the United States') own cost."
Mullen, speaking in Senate testimony, alleged Haqqani operatives launched an attack last week on the U.S. embassy in Kabul with the support of Pakistan's military intelligence.
The tensions could have repercussions across Asia, from India, Pakistan's economically booming arch-rival, to China, which has edged closer to Pakistan in recent years.
A complete break between the United States and Pakistan -- sometimes friends, often adversaries -- seems unlikely, if only because Washington depends on Pakistan for supply routes to U.S. troops fighting militants in Afghanistan, and as a base for unmanned U.S. drones.
Pakistan relies on Washington for military and economic aid and for acting as a backer on the world stage.
"The message for America is: 'They can't live with us, they can't live without us," Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani told reporters.
But support in Congress for curbing assistance or making conditions on aid more stringent is rising rapidly.
The unilateral U.S. Navy SEALs raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May took already fragile relations between Pakistan and the United States to a low.
Relations were just starting to recover before the Kabul attack. Both sides are now engaged in an unusually blunt public war of words.
The dangers could be enormous if Washington and Pakistan, a largely dysfunctional state teeming with Islamist militants and run by a feckless, military-cowed government, fail to arrest the deterioration in relations.
At stake are the fight against terrorism, the security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal and - as Islamabad plays off its friendship with China against the United States - regional stability.
"Anything which is said about an ally, about a partner, publicly to recriminate it, to humiliate it, is not acceptable," said Khar.
The United States has long pressed Pakistan to go after the Haqqani network, which it believes operates from sanctuaries in North Waziristan on the Afghan border.
Pakistan says its army is too stretched fighting its own Taliban insurgency. But analysts say the Islamabad government regards the Haqqanis as a way to exert its influence on any future political settlement in Afghanistan.
The Haqqani network, Mullen said, is a "veritable arm" of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI).
The charges come amid mounting exasperation in Washington as the Obama administration struggles to curb militancy in Pakistan and end the long war in Afghanistan.
Mullen, CIA director David Petraeus and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton all have met with their Pakistani counterparts in recent days to demand Islamabad take action against the Haqqani network.
Any Pakistani offensive against the Haqqanis would be risky. The group has an estimated 10,000-15,000 seasoned fighters at its disposal and analysts say the Pakistani army would likely suffer heavy casualties.
Mahmud Durrani, a retired major general and former Pakistani ambassador to Washington, said both sides should ease tensions to avoid American military action beyond drone strikes or economic sanctions.

Botani Skincare - Review

Botani skincare is all natural, Eco friendly & Against animal testing.  As you can see I’m a beauty junky, always looking for the latest products. Botani skincare is based in Australia, this is the first time I had heard about their products. I was very excited to try it out. Olives are great for your skin, if you eat them too. Full of vitamins & antioxidants. I learned the hard way, beauty starts from within. It doesn’t matter how many beauty products you pile on your face, if your eating a poor diet it shows on skin also. Your hands, neck can tell how old a woman really is I noticed that. I always like to moisturize my hands as soon as I wash them.

Botani Skincare

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Any thoughts? 

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Disclosure: PR Samples.