Shopping with Gleyci + Nails!

♥hello cute girls~~

having fun with make up

Two weeks ago, my cousin, Gleyci, and I, went to the center of my city for shopping! ^O^~/
We hadnt see ourselves long time, about 6months+!
She lives at another state and she came for buying clothes and accessories for less $$$. We gone out about 7am and arrived at my home about 3pm, really hungry hungry haha

She bought a lot of clothes... When we got home she was trying to coordinate her new clothes!

And finally we could wear same cute watches together!!

And thats what I had when arrived!
plus top I will show you soon at end of this entry!

nails stickers and stones ^o^~

plus stones~~ i love it!

kids fake nails! Two points for this: Point 1. is cheaper to buy two of these to fill up both hands than buying a adult set!(Soon you will know why) Point 2. why hell would a kid wear fake nails?! Thats crazy!!!!!!

This is kinda cheap because isnt deco. But well, really like it. It looks hard enough, already has glue inside, its transparent and i can deco my way!

Fake lashes! They were kinda cheap too. The yellow boxed one really looks good in my eyes, I had already put it in but I forgot to take a pic! Sorry!... The blue looks good too, but i didnt use it. I will keep it to wear with my new barbie king brown circle lenses already ordered but is to arrive only in feb. The pink looks shit in my eyes. Bad deal hahahaa

Also bought this cute pair of earrings... Im in love with it! In the pic at the end of this entry i will be wearing these too..

Since xmas nails I changed nails twice.
For new years eve I wore these:

I didnt like it for two reasons. They didnt fit well, they were bigger than my nails and 'cause it isnt transparent looked so artificial!! Other reason is that I lost one of my pinkie finger fake nail and it was very bad xD

I prepared something with stuff i bought...

I got the kids nails and deco it more xD also add a piercing to it

Sorry forgot to take pic in hand

But it was bad bad bad bad. Within three days the nails broke -.- Not only one of nails but about three and I hurted myself a lot because they got so sharp. Kids nails??? My children will stay very far from these, when i have children hahaha xD
I already took it off T.T So sad!!
But they really got very natural in my hands, even people thought it was my own nails. It was right my nails size and felt comfortable.

Okay, so finally, last friday I went out with my girl friends. It was a little cold and rainy so I thought would be better wearing leggings.

So top i bought while shopping with my cousin, my strawberry (actually)broken nails and new earrings too ^.^ Always wanted to have a "I love my boyfriend" top haha! Also bought that day two Tshirts for him. Well, other stuff you know...... Shorts is So Lady, shoes is So Lady, leggings from yumetenbo, watch Bel Air, bag So Lady, necklace handmade.

I'll let you a vid im just addicted to! I love The Pussycat Dolls, since style 'til what they look like at vids.

♥Thats all for today, hope you like it!
Thanks for reading and
BAI BAI \~^O^~/