lotte choco pie + new shoes + about life

♥good night cute girls~

Today, again, a fast post,'cause as always I have to study. This is something I will talk about later too.
First, lets talk about a chocolate pie I've bought, Lotte Choco Pie.


Inside there's 8 mini pies

This is really petit ~.~

Today is a hot day so it was melting



I paid about 3,5USD for 8 very small kind of pie. I dont think it worths 'cause I can find more good tasting sweet much cheaper and bigger quantity. That was just too normal, nothing special. Did you already taste it? What did you think?

Wasnt made for hot days?


Okay, now talk will take another course.
I've been away from blog and didnt talk with girls that I admire a lot and love to read their blogs. I'm really sorry but I shouldnt read your blog this year. Of course sometimes I will, but no time for writing much.
Why? At first, my computer is broken now ~.~

all because of this piece ¬¬

And now I have to use my fathers laptop, yes im writing from it now
my desk is sick T^T

And other point is that I really have to keep on studying a lot now and blogging take me away from studies
Im happy talking to you makes me always having 100% english at tests! Thank youuuuuu♥ (hiding personal info!)

but still very important tests to do
this is similar tests for training! Did them through last 3 months

still much to read! yes i have to read all of them 'in 2 weeks and a half -O-

still much to learn too

maybe i'm getting crazy sticking a lot of info at my bedroom wall hahah! and isnt nearly everything i will stick (><)!
anyway, thats why i should keep away from blogging a little! ill miss you a loooooooot. i really hope it will worth and i'll join university >.<

and not everything is bad thing~ my brother that was living far now is moving back to my city!
party for welcome again~
this is my brother and his girlfriend, my bf and I, and down is my moving brother and his wife! and yes, the cute black dog Fiona!

oh yeeees now shoes my mom gave me for summer!
i like the way it makes me think about a ribbon

no high heel! my feet feel fresh, thats good~
what do you think about it? ^O^
And I ordered more things from Yumetenbo, hope next month I can show you.

Don't forget to check Nishino Kana new song "Kimitte" and Ito Yuna new song "Mamotte Agetai". I'm really in love with these! At Ito single you can even find a new version of cute ballad Precious~

I've found a pic i love! My bf and I at last christmas party! 2009.12.25
santa couple~

Thats all~~
Please take care of yourselves, right?
bai bai girls♥ ^~^/*