today look & school♥

hello cute girls!
Today i'll have to write very fast 'cause I have much to study today!
Here in my city, have been really cold weather, and I have to go home at midnight from school so I always get a cold and so on, can't study properly. I gone to a doctor and she prescribed some medicines, hope i'll get better soon!
So thats my today look!

beret: Curvy's
outer: Mix Drop
scarf: no brand
shirt: no brand
pants: no brand
boots: Linosug

thats my currently mobile deco, though already a little old

Kana Nishino released one album, "To Love", and one single, "If". Azu released a new single too, "Tashika na Koto", and Yuna Ito released a digital song "I don't want to miss a thing" cover. All songs is totally recommended, I specially love "Kono mama de..." (Kana Nishino). This is "If" PV:

And this is "I don't wanna miss a thing" PV. I start to tremble when hear Yuna singing...

Yes yes I've been drawing a lot for summer collection, I'll post clothes here when I can! I ordered some shoes and accessories from Yumetenbo that I can't make, that had a great summer sale(maybe a lot of things are still on sale)! I specially loved this clock:
When I was supposed to buy it I realized the color I wanted was sold out (white). I got very sad but bought the pink, though I already have a LOT of pink stuff! Some days after I noticed they had all colors again. I got angry and I told it to my boyfriend so him bought the white for me, but I didnt want to have two clocks really similar. Fortunately, my cousin want it! Of course, when it arrive I'll compare both clocks and then decide if I really want the pink! So i'll sell it to her!

Still have to write a Melliesh stuff review, but god, where can I find some time to do this?!
Okay, so now I'll study and then go to school study more and more....
Happy studies for you!!