i'm getting old old old... NOOOOOO

♥hello cute girls!
Today is my birthday ne now I'm 19 but I just wanted to turn 15 again xD Though I see people as Jenny, who keeps looking like a teeneger! I hope I'll be like thiis ne~~ >.<
Saturday was Valentine's Day... and I'm sorry I didn't take any pic 'cause it was a really happy day and my bf gave me some chocolate that I just loooooove o^.^o
Today is supposed to be just a greater day 'cause i'll come home earlier from work and watch Brazil x North Korea game with my family and my cute cute bf!^^ We usually wear green x yellow at these games but I'll give up my look 'cause today is REALLY cold day! Sorry but I want North Korea to lose ne!! I'll prepare some popcorn too ^.^
I'm happy too 'cause, maybe, I'll just study now, no work ne! I'll finally study like I always wanted! And the best: pay studies with my money! Please please wish me to join university this year!! I really want thiiiiis and I'll give my all ^_^
Now hard work to do to get home earlier
I'll promise next post will be really interesting
Thank you for reading!!!!! ^__^