make-up, make-up, love make-up!

♥hello giiiiiiirls~~

I was busy these days so didnt prepared anything good for posting here. But some days ago I've found a girl who creates uncredible make-ups. Her looks do work! I thought it would interest you.

She is Michelle Phan. That make-up really highlights eyes and its si7milar to gyaru make. I hardly wanna find this deep black eyeliner!This is her channel.

Please girls don't let make inside eyes like her! You can see make even sticks at contact lenses! This is terrible for eyes health! You should always makeup under down eyelashes line or above up eyelashes.

Oh yes yes yes me and Jessyca watched Alice in Wonderland 3D. I didn't think this is the best movie ever - maybe 3D made me have some headache at first row - but my friend really loved it. I like clothes~

And finally, hime look of the day~

She is 伊藤由奈 . She is my favorited singer ever and ever, doesn't matter if she doesn't sells 200,000 singles anymore... She is so gentle and everything she makes if for people living in peace with big love.This is her website. She designed this and some others summer and beautiful clothes for Sua. Perfect voice and style, I do love and love her~

Thank you so much for reading this post. I'm so glad you're coming here, visiting me and commenting!♥♥♥