men's fashion

hello ~^.^~

this weekend was very hard for me. i had to give up some fun for a working for my fashion course. this is a catalog for references. i think i told you something about it in last post. so i walked much and bought things for producing it. then glue is over and i dont have sewing machine needle so i told my mother to buy it and she bought but i still didnt over it. i took some pics so i gonna show you! the best part of this will be decorating, but i aint started~

for more useful i put this, so i can take if off folder

still have to paste it

this is contexture i used

this is trims i'll use for decorating

now at this course im starting drawing men. and i had never thought this would be so hard. i search about woman fashion everytime but i never really search about men fashion /(≥•≤)\✦ so i saw at Kanako_ageha blog's that there's something about gyaru-o men fashion at egg magazine. I search a little about it and noticed japanese men usually exaggerates a little. They overrides much things!! Sometimes look is ridiculous!!!! they do it with make up too, this is what Kanako was talking about at her blog. anyway, when they make a great look this is just the BEST LOOK EVER!!... searching about ocidental men fashion i found that i like much much much Brad Pitt's style *-* just too beautiful!~ but i do like men punk style~ this is my fav!!! maybe i should draw a punk man~ i have to scans drawing to show you^^

this is japanese guys looks... some of them just perfect, but others are ridiculous.. a man still have to be a man

Brad Pitt is a very stylish man

i'm searching some men fashion shops too, if you know some, please tell me!
comment at my blog, i do be happy when you do it~
thanks so much girls!! and guys ^.^

[edited 3/3/2010 for uploading folder pics]