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im turning 20

♥hello gals!

very cold! (mobile photo)

Sorry long time no write, Im preparing a lot of news for this blog. Please, come and see, soon I'll change it a lot. Hope it will get more interesting and cute
Well, today I'm turning 20. I still can't belive im not a 'teen' anymore. hahaha
It doesnt mean I wanna change. I like to feel young. I dont wanna turn out more serious. ^_^

Hey I got a lot of cute new items and I wanna show you!
This is a gift my boyfriend gave me because of valentine's day at my place, which is june 12.
The way he gave me this was really cute. He just told me to close my eyes and when i opened my eyes I was wearing this♥ Then super hug!
I'm so happy, I LOVE YOU dear

Thats all today!
BAIII (^з^)-☆Chu!!